Chapter 157: Antlion Whisperer
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 157: Antlion Whisperer

A massive antlion colony was marching through the desert with heavy footsteps.

Antlions were insects that dug little pits in the ground. Whenever ants passed by their traps, they would hurl gravel at them and drag them into the pit for food.

However, the antlions marching across the desert were nothing like that. They were much larger, with their pincers as big as halberds. Cavalrymen would have to flee with fearful hearts when faced with such terrifying monsters.

A mage dressed in a silk robe was resting atop the largest antlion with closed eyes.

Tak tak tak, tak tak tak!

Weird sounds suddenly echoed from afar. It sounded like heavy footsteps treading on sand.

“…” The mage dressed in a silk robe opened his eyes. “The Lizard Queen?”

He quickly cast Voice Amplification and shouted over, “Lizard Queen! Please don’t misunderstand. It’s me, Antlion Whisperer. I don’t mean any ill intent. I came with my servants to…”

Despite his anxious explanations, the Lizard Queen didn’t slow down.

“I know that it’s you, Antlion Whisperer, but there’s no misunderstanding. You’re the one I’m attacking. Go, my babies!”

The sand monitors charged forth.

The soft sand was not an easy surface to travel on, but they didn’t slow the sand monitors at all. With ferocious hisses, they split into two teams and flanked the antlions.

“Dig, dig!”

The Antlion Whisperer realized that the Lizard Queen intended to fight him.

Eyy, the Lizard Queen is too fiery-tempered. Otherwise, she would have been perfect.

He wasn’t intending to become a punching bag, but his antlions needed time to dig holes whereas the sand monitors traveled faster than horses on sand. It wouldn’t be fun to bear the brunt of their charge.

So, the Antlion Whisperer downed a potion, murmured a chant, and pointed on the sand.


The sand collapsed, forming dozens of giant pits.

The antlions leaped into the pits and settled inside. The walls of the pit were so slippery that sand monitors would struggle to climb out once they fell in, not to mention that the antlions and their

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