Chapter 156: The Lizard Queen
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 156: The Lizard Queen

【Aiyo, my host. You sure are fast!】

System 12345 was heartened to see how quickly Shu Yichao had entered Zhujubo. This meant that its guidance was effective.

【I bet you are a somewhat famous adventurer by now.】

He has conquered quite a few capture targets by now. No matter how he hides it, others will still notice their chummy ties.

【However, you should lie low in this city. Don’t cause any commotion. Don’t let anyone notice you. Sneak into the group of slaves that is going to be offered as the Lizard Queen’s tribute.】

System 12345 shared his plan.

【The Lizard Queen is able to tame powerful sand monitors into obedient pets. She has transfused sand monitor blood into herself, which made her overconfident in her pets and overlook developing her fighting capabilities.】

【What we’re going to do is to secretly tame all her pets. When the time comes, we’ll rise up and subdue her. When it’s all done, you’ll be able to do whatever you want to the lofty Lizard Queen… Ehehehe!】

The Lizard Queen has always trusted her loyal and powerful pets, thinking that she could always rely on them in times of danger.

When she was approached by the dangerous young man, she screamed in a panic, hoping her pet would rush to her rescue. Yet, her pet feigned ignorance and turned a blind eye to her plight.

In the end, the Lizard Queen could only cry tears of indignation as she was conquered in front of her pets…

The Lizard Queen who has tamed so many beasts would have never thought that a day would come when it was tamed like a wild beast too.

【Tsk tsk! Thinking about it makes my heart race. Ehehe, time to post the mission!】

To spare itself from the hassle of typing out everything, System 12345 designated the mission to be traveling to where the Lizard Queen was, and the reward was a beast-taming harness.

The frigid gale of the night desert was like invisible knives that stung the faces of travelers, as if immersing one’s face in a tub of iced water in the middle of winter.

The desert was a hostile environment; it was scorching hot in th

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