Chapter 143: Spare Me, Heavenly Soldiers
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 143: Spare Me, Heavenly Soldiers

Mana Reflux!”

An unexpected spell accurately struck Asudo, who was in the midst of gathering his mana.

He felt like someone had slammed a metal hammer into his temples, causing his vision to turn dark and his head to spin. Blood seeped from his eyes, noses, ears, and mouth.


Unable to take it anymore, Asudo spurted blood.

At the same time, the red cloud he had conjured vanished into thin air.

Shu Yichao was obviously a hero-class warrior, whereas Miazova didn’t look like a mage, with his heavy armor and weird getup. As for the ghost horsemen and skeleton soldiers, they emitted not the slightest mana pulsation.

Asudo was misled into thinking that the enemy had no mages, and he ended up letting his guard down. He was so angry earlier that he didn’t even prepare a barrier before channeling a large-scale spell.

This created a perfect opening for Miazova to exploit.

It didn’t help that Asudo was channeling a powerful spell, so the effects of the mana reflux were more pronounced. It was so painful that he felt like his organs were melting.


Asudo wavered in midair, nearly plummeting to the ground.

Shit, I got careless! I underestimated the enemy!

Asudo was filled with regrets. Despite his spinning head, he hurriedly tried to take out his potions and activate his protection necklace, but it was too late.

Light Weight!”

An inexplicable breeze blew, and Shu Yichao suddenly felt as light as a swallow.

He galloped forth and leaped straight toward Asudo. He raised his modao up high and swung it down on the enemy.


Too distraught to put up any defense, Asudo fell from the sky like a bird with broken wings, spiraling down to the ground.


He crashed into a house, breaking the roof tiles, before plummeting into what could have been a pond or a drain.

“Grandson, that fellow isn’t dead yet!” Miazova shouted. “Deal the finishing blow!”

“I know, I know!” Shu Yichao galloped toward where Asudo fell. “It pays to be thorough.”


Asudo lay helplessly in the turbid water, his eyes widened like a frog. He clutched

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