Chapter 135: Gift From a Good-hearted Man
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 135: Gift From a Good-hearted Man

Before the rampaging rebels, the sturdy outer walls of the City Lord Manor looked as brittle as eggshells. They were breached in just a matter of moments.

The infuriated rebels charged manically at the City Lord Manor with torches and ladders, roaring their war cries.

The forest snipers were horrified to find that there were so many enemies that their hands could hardly catch up. The enemies were so tenacious that it took multiple arrows to take one down, and in the time they took to eliminate a target, more rushed forward to take his place.

It didn’t take long for the enemies to climb up the walls and reach them, forcing them to fight in melee combat.

Meanwhile, the City Lord Manor’s gates had been blown into bits by fearless rebels carrying acid and explosion scrolls.

The Tibetan soldiers in the courtyard stood in a daze as the rebels broke down the gates and rushed up to them. They quickly snapped out of their confusion to stop the rebels, but…

Despite being known for their valiance, the Tibetan soldiers failed to stand their ground and were forced to retreat instead. A number of them were either tripped or had a rebel obstinately hold them down, so that their allies could stab their eyes and smash their faces.

The mages rained spells on the rebels, but the rebels were like unstoppable beasts. They braved the flames and lightning to hold down the mages and go down together.

The vice city lord and his aides were flabbergasted.

“Milord, they have breached the first courtyard,” one of the vice city lord’s aides reported.

Moments later…

“Milord, they have breached the second courtyard…” the aide exclaimed in horror.

More moments later…

“Milord, they are about to reach us!” the aide screamed in fright.

“Should we send the war slaves in?!” the vice city lord anxiously asked.

These were people whom he had trampled under his feet for the longest time; he couldn’t believe how ferocious they were! These slaves might have the number advantage, but the troops he had gathered here were all elites, so why were they collapsing

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