Chapter 135: A Slave No More
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 135: A Slave No More

【My host!!!】

System 12345 spent some time reading the details of the capture targets before picking out what it believed to be an ideal target.

【Doo doo doot doo doo!!! Asudo~】

System 12345 sent a portrait over. It was a ‘young woman’ with adorable dimples, wearing a flower wreath on her head.

【This femme fatale is different from the ones before. This is the classical character who stumbles into all sorts of tragedies, a beautiful trap! Ehehehe!】

Had it been in the past, System 12345 definitely wouldn’t have brought this character up as a capture target, but its host this time didn’t seem to be bothered by whether the capture target was a man or a woman…

He takes them down all the same!

【Asudo sees himself a man in his heart, but as an archmage’s disciple, he has no choice but to don a woman’s clothes.】

System 12345 chuckled under its breath.

【My host, since you’re already building a harem, why don’t you catch 'em all? Making a trap realize his innermost wish to be a woman… don’t you think that will be interesting?】

【My host, find a chance to feed him that medicine, then crush her will with your indomitable strength and make her submit! Make her realize that her wits and wisdom are futile in the face of absolute tyranny!】

【No matter how sharp-witted and flexible she is, it crumbles before assault! Her glib tongue won’t save her here. Tears of humiliation brim in her eyes as you pierce through her defenses and corner her into submission… Ah!】

【Cough cough, cough cough!】

Realizing that its imagination had gone overboard, System 12345 quickly reeled itself back in to issue the mission.

【Conquest Target: Asudo】

【Description: My clothes might be unusual, but I really am a man!】

【Requirement: Achieve a loyalty of 100】

【Reward: Heart of Sentimentality. This is a unique item that can imbue special properties to an item. Perhaps you can build a divine artifact out of it?】

It also indicated Asudo’s whereabouts on the minimap, as well as inconspicuous locations suited for assaulting and educating the femme fatale…

In Shule,

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