Chapter 130: The Villain Slaying the City Lord
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 130: The Villain Slaying the City Lord

The mage passed out from fear and the trauma of having his mana sucked dry, much to the forest sniper’s shock.

With the mages passing out, the Tibetans’ firepower significantly waned. At the same time, the war slaves began running rampant without the mages to control them.

Cracks started to show in the Tibetans’ defense. It didn’t take long for the skeleton soldiers to start slipping through the gaps in their defense line.

“Hold on! Hold on!”

Rajmaya was so anxious to see her defense line wavering that she took out the Horn of Courage and blew it twice.

Just then, she heard exclamations coming from her soldiers. She looked over and saw catapults made out of shattered bones stationed on a distant high ground.

“Wait, what are they doing?!” Rajmaya was alarmed. “Surely not…”

Her thoughts were quickly confirmed.

Skeleton soldiers huddled into a ball were placed on the catapults, then…


Countless bone balls whizzed across the air, and their target was the Tibetan army!

Who said that the skeleton army had no means of ranged attacks?

Shu Yichao couldn’t care less whether the skeleton soldiers survived the impact or not. They weren’t worth money to him anyway; it was a win either way if he could take down some Tibetan soldiers like that.

In contrast, Rajmaya couldn’t remain unconcerned.

This is bad. Nowhere is safe!

The soldiers in the defense line also crumbled in despair when they found skeleton soldiers not just in front of them, behind them, beneath them, but even above them too…

How do we fight such a battle?! Even the mages have fainted from exhaustion!

Rajmaya felt numbed. She realized that she couldn’t hold the fort anymore, not even with her Horn of Courage. Their defense line inevitably fell into chaos; how could it not when they had enemies everywhere?!

“It’s time for us to enter the battlefield.” Seeing the chaos unfold among the Tibetan army, Shu Yichao knew that it was time to launch the decisive attack. “Brothers, charge with me! We shall slaughter those barbarians with our swords. No prisoners, we won’t

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