Chapter 122: Skeleton Calamity
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 122: Skeleton Calamity

Familiar screams were mixed with the neighing of horses.

“Oh no!” the Tibetan soldiers exclaimed in shock, “The people we have left to guard our carriage have been attacked!”

“The assailants are still in the vicinity!”


Bikna drew her enchanted sword and roared, “Warriors, come with me!”

Their expedition team dashed out from Baysema’s courtyard to the streets, and a bone-chilling sight appeared before their eyes…

Silhouettes could be vaguely seen lurking on the streets, in the alleys, and beside the buildings. They looked like specters under the cover of the night.

Contrary to what Bikna thought, these silhouettes weren’t Karluks. They were white skeletons wielding bone knives and bone shields, with dim soulfire burning in their eyes. They stared at Bikna’s group like bloodthirsty jackals.

“What monsters are these?!”

Even Bikna, despite having witnessed all sorts of bizarre things during her adventuring days, found her head jamming up. This was not her first time seeing ghosts; she had even helped a mage expel a vengeful ghost from a house.

But never had she seen skeletons strutting so openly on the streets!

Ka kak kak!

While Bika’s expedition team was stunned, the skeletons suddenly roared silently as if having received an order, and they began swarming at them.


Bikna reflexively swung her sword, slicing one of the skeletons charging at the forefront into two. The skeleton was so dull that it failed to even put up a defense against Bikna’s slash.


Bikna frowned when she saw that the skeletons were different from how she had imagined them. She swung her sword once more, releasing a burst of energy that minced the skeletons into bits.

“Hmph!” After destroying fifteen skeletons in the blink of an eye, she stowed away her sword and stood with an upright posture. “That’s all a bunch of rotting bones can do.”

That scared me. I thought it’s a new type of vengeful ghost, but they turn out to just be sacks of rotting bones. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

“Let’s go!”

Bikna gestured for the crowd to follow

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