Book 07 Chapter 008: Magical Girl Teriri!
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 07 Chapter 008: Magical Girl Teriri!

“Kid, are you tired of living? If a naughty child is not disciplined, there will be troublesome behavior. Aren’t I doing this for your own good? You should know that Class A offers the most academic and life credits. If you don’t give me a reason, I’ll put you in bed for three days.” Xuanyuan Yiyao directly planted her left foot on the sofa and brandished her right fist before Chen Heng’s face.

“Haha! Then why don’t you tell me who Class A’s class advisor is?” Chen Heng’s casual question immediately damped the furious Xuanyuan Yiyao’s fire.

“Cla-class advisor? What about the class advisor? Being the top-ranked class of the 22 heavenly stems and earthly branches, it definitely has the best class advisor.”

[TL Note: The heavenly stems and earthly branches are an ancient Chinese system of numbering that has been adapted to many uses, including time systems, dating systems, and astrology. They can be used individually, like the classes for Jixia Academy are, or compounded by combining one of the ten heavenly stems with one of the 12 earthly stems for a total of 120. For the purpose of Jixia Academy’s classes, I will simply replace them with the alphabet, where the ten heavenly stems are A to J, and the earthly branches are K to V. Here are the Wikipedia entries for the heavenly stems and earthly branches: and]

Jixia Academy was unlike other colleges, where there were only academic advisors, who would be responsible for several classes. The “boss” of every class in Jixia Academy was the class advisor, similar to high school, who held a lot of authority.

Furthermore, Jixia Academy had only 22 classes, at most, named according to the ten heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches. However, it generally did not have 22 classes.

“Oh, is that so? Then why does Third Elder Sister have such a guilty expression?”

“Is-is that so? How could I be feeling guilty? What would there to be guilty about?” Xuanyuan Yiyao’s tough stance wilted; then s

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