Book 07 Chapter 007: Leaked Information on the Admission Competition
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 07 Chapter 007: Leaked Information on the Admission Competition

“Ahem! Since you asked sincerely, I’ll generously share this with you. Jixia Academy’s admissions this time are a bit different from previous years, as it might open up additional slots for those newly emerging ability users, but of course, they must have exceptional talent. As you know, there has been a surge in new ability users because of the recent Spiritual Energy Resurgence events in the past two years. You’ve noticed, right?”

“Indeed, ever since that Spiritual Energy Resurgence thing, you can encounter one or two ability users just by stepping out of the door, although the quality of their abilities varies greatly,” Chen Heng replied. He hadn’t gone out in the last couple of days, but he did go out last night. While eating barbecue skewers with Yang Yan, he had observed passersby and noticed an increase in the number of ability users.

In the past, ability users were like a needle in a haystack, one among hundreds of thousands of people, extremely rare. However, since the Spiritual Energy Resurgence, the proportion had become more like one among tens of thousands.

However, for some reason, be it hasty production or other factors, most of these newly awakened ability users had a tremendous gap between the lower and upper limits of their abilities. Furthermore, the abilities of most newly awakened ability users were quite peculiar.

According to the records of the Special Affairs Bureau, the previous generations of ability users were known as golden ability users. Their abilities were stronger and more practical than those of silver ability users, who had awakened after the Spiritual Energy Resurgence. However, the sheer number of silver ability users overshadowed the golden ones.

Golden ability users also had a limitation on their potential, but later on, the silver ability users had this limit removed. In other words, their upper limits were now higher. To be honest, this irritated all the golden ability users, including Chen Heng. But the good news was that the golden ability users also enjoyed this benefit.

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