Book 07 Chapter 005: Immortal Executioner Sword: Don’t Submit, Face Me Head-On!
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 07 Chapter 005: Immortal Executioner Sword: Don’t Submit, Face Me Head-On!

The sensation the Immortal Executioner Sword brought Yang Yan was akin to the threat he experienced when he first transmigrated into that other world and laid eyes on a Western dragon.

If it hadn’t been for a group of dragon slayers coming to his rescue, Yang Yan would have perished long ago.

“Mister Yang Yan, are you ready? If you are, I’m going to strike. To be honest, Mister Yang Yan, this Immortal Executioner Sword hasn’t tasted blood in who knows how many years, so its power might be a bit excessive. I hope you don’t mind,” Chen Heng stated calmly, delivering the most ruthless words.

“…Father, I was wrong. Can I still become an executor now?” Yang Yan bowed at a 90-degree angle, surrendering sincerely.

“Ah! Mister Yang Yan, why do you say that? The Immortal Executioner Sword mentioned it hasn’t killed anyone in a long time and is especially eager to try now.”

“No, no, no, I absolutely cannot trouble your Immortal Executioner Sword to act personally. I was just joking earlier, just a joke. Please don’t take it seriously.”


Time: 8:10 p.m.

Location: Street-side barbecue stall near the Forbidden City

Characters: Chen Heng, Yang Yan

“So, even if you’ve cultivated to law deity, don’t think about coming back to dominate the world or anything like that. This is a legal society now, and more importantly, this world’s depth is truly deep.” Chen Heng shared knowledge essential to Yang Yan while enjoying barbecue skewers by the roadside.

“I see. Before I transmigrated, I didn’t even know about the existence of this hidden world. Actually, I have no interest in conquering the world. I was just worried the world might attack me, so I thought of striking preemptively.”

“Don’t worry. There are plenty of people stronger and weirder than you. With the identity assigned to you by the world, you won’t need to worry about these issues. The hidden world is kept secret for the sake of ordinary people like you. If the hidden world were revealed, the first unfortunate ones would be people like you. Due to the suppression polici

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