Book 06 Chapter 062.2: The Winners Feast, the Rich Gamble, Part 2
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 06 Chapter 062.2: The Winners Feast, the Rich Gamble, Part 2

Not long after Chen Heng crouched down, he heard a vehicle approaching. Interestingly, the noise didn’t come from the other side of the bridge but from behind him. Someone else had the same idea as he and had come to block the bridge.

Chen Heng switched his weapon to the VSS and adjusted his position, using the built-in scope to check behind him. He saw a Jeep approaching, with only two people on board. He could see them clearly, as the Jeep did not have a top.

Oh! It seems I’ve found some kindred spirits, Chen Heng thought as he observed the situation. He immediately switched his gun to the M416 and moved a bit to the right, hiding behind a boulder.

Before long, the sound of the approaching vehicle grew louder. However, it did not stop; it continued and stopped at the bridge’s entrance.

Two people got out, both holding guns, and assumed similar stances to Chen Heng’s, belly-down in the grass.

“Hey, Monkey, are we really going to block the bridge?”

“Of course, we’re blocking the bridge.”

“But we didn’t get good guns this morning. You’ve only got a Kar98k without a scope, and I have two shotguns. Can we really succeed in blocking the bridge like this? Will anyone even come?”

[TL Note: Here is more information on the Kar98k: It is likely based on a real gun model:]

“Trust me; someone will come. We’re in the first circle, and the military base is out. Those pros who just finished fighting at the military base have a 50 percent chance of choosing this bridge. As for whether we can succeed… Well, buddy, have you ever heard the saying, the winners feast, the rich gamble?”

[TL Note: The saying in Chinese is literally translated as “the poor eat chicken, the rich get deliveries.” In PUBG, the congratulatory message after a victory is “Winner, winner, chicken dinner.” The saying means that those poorly equipped have to aim seriously and work hard for a win while playing more cautiously, but those well-equipped players can afford to

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