Book 06 Chapter 062.2: The Winners Feast, the Rich Gamble, Part 2
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 06 Chapter 062.2: The Winners Feast, the Rich Gamble, Part 2

Not long after Chen Heng crouched down, he heard a vehicle approaching. Interestingly, the noise didn’t come from the other side of the bridge but from behind him. Someone else had the same idea as he and had come to block the bridge.

Chen Heng switched his weapon to the VSS and adjusted his position, using the built-in scope to check behind him. He saw a Jeep approaching, with only two people on board. He could see them clearly, as the Jeep did not have a top.

Oh! It seems I’ve found some kindred spirits, Chen Heng thought as he observed the situation. He immediately switched his gun to the M416 and moved a bit to the right, hiding behind a boulder.

Before long, the sound of the approaching vehicle grew louder. However, it did not stop; it continued and stopped at the bridge’s entrance.

Two people got out, both holding guns, and assumed similar stances to Chen Heng’s, belly-down in the grass.

“Hey, Monkey, are we really going to block the bridge?”

“Of course, we’re blocking the bridge.”

“But we didn’t get good guns this morning. You’ve only got a Kar98k without a scope, and I have two shotguns. Can we really succeed in blocking the bridge like this? Will anyone even come?”

[TL Note: Here is more information on the Kar98k: It is likely based on a real gun model:]

“Trust me; someone will come. We’re in the first circle, and the military base is out. Those pros who just finished fighting at the military base have a 50 percent chance of choosing this bridge. As for whether we can succeed… Well, buddy, have you ever heard the saying, the winners feast, the rich gamble?”

[TL Note: The saying in Chinese is literally translated as “the poor eat chicken, the rich get deliveries.” In PUBG, the congratulatory message after a victory is “Winner, winner, chicken dinner.” The saying means that those poorly equipped have to aim seriously and work hard for a win while playing more cautiously, but those well-equipped players can afford to take risks or play less seriously and still get a victory.]

“Alright, alright, I’ll go along with you. If we lose this round, you owe me a meal. If we win, I’ll treat you.”

“Listen to me; that’s the way to go. Remember, I—the King of Chicken Dinners—have a perfect record of a zero-kill victory.”

“If you’re the king of chicken dinners, why are we even blocking the bridge?”

“Well, this is for you to experience the thrill of a gunfight, my friend. Oh, and don’t hide yet, Chubby. Drive the car to the water or that open space under the bridge; the car is too big of a target.”

“Got it.”

The player known as Chubby wore level 1 armor. He got up from the grass, ran to the car, moved it under the bridge, and then scurried back to the same hiding spot as Monkey.

Chen Heng had refrained from firing earlier, wanting to see what these two were up to. He did not expect to meet two people with the same plans and thoughts. Not only did they want to block the bridge, they even hid in the same place.

He intended to let them block the bridge first. If they succeeded, he’d remain hidden, letting them handle any bridge-crossers before dealing with them later. If they failed, he could eliminate the attackers while they looted the bridge.

However, as he watched the two figures lying side by side behind the rock, Chen Heng found himself increasingly tempted to open fire.

Slowly, Chen Heng stood up. As long as he didn’t move from his position, standing or crouching would not create sound markers for nearby players.

With his rifle aimed at the two unsuspecting players still lying in the grass, Chen Heng pulled the trigger.


After a burst of M416 fire, the two players were taken down unexpectedly, left kneeling in their original spots.

At such close range, there was no chance of missing. And with Chen Heng’s firearm proficiency, he was perfectly acquainted with the rifle, which ensured minimal recoil.

“Big-big-big-big-big-big-big brother, let’s team up. Team up!” The two downed players didn’t immediately die; they could be revived by a teammate, assuming there was one nearby.

If there was no teammate to rescue them and they weren’t finished off, they would bleed out slowly, much like in computer and mobile battle royale games.

However, Chen Heng didn’t show mercy. Instead, he reloaded and raised his rifle once more.

“Team up, my foot,” he muttered before turning the two players into loot crates.

“…Today’s players really lack sportsmanship.” Chen Heng shook his head with a bit of disappointment, then cheerfully looted the crates.

Chen Heng could have spared these two, but when he overheard the player named Chubby mention a Kar98k…

How could Chen Heng resist? He had an 8x scope but no sniper rifle. The VSS did not count. Upon hearing the name Kar98k, could he remain calm? Although he was knowledgeable in all types of firearms because of firearm proficiency, he had a particular fondness for sniper rifles, perhaps because of the Electromagnetic Star Sniper Rifle.

“Blame yourselves for mentioning the Kar98k!” Chen Heng sighed and then crouched beside the two crates, indulging in the spoils.

“The winners feast, the rich gamble, indeed. You two are truly poor; the only decent thing is this Kar98k.”

These two players were indeed poorly equipped. Chubby had two shotguns: an S686 and an S12K. Monkey wasn’t any better, carrying a Kar98k and a Vector submachine gun.

[TL Note: Here’s more information on the guns mentioned above:,, and]

“So, who gave you guys the courage to come and block the bridge with this gear?” Chen Heng said this without considering that he had dared to block the bridge himself, armed with just an M416 and a VSS.

Chen Heng took the Kar98k and also collected their grenades, medkits, bandages, and energy drinks, stashing these in his backpack.

After attaching the 8x scope to the Kar98k, Chen Heng gazed at his weapon with satisfaction. Now, he felt even more confident about blocking the bridge.

Although this was just a game, its realism was exceptionally high. Chen Heng’s firearm proficiency was put to perfect use here.

While firing a few rounds with the VSS earlier, he noticed that this game’s bullets were affected by wind speed and had the bullets drop realistically beyond a certain range. It felt very much like the real world.

Having the Kar98k and 8x scope, combined with the M416 for close combat, boosted Chen Heng’s confidence. He changed his position because the two players he downed earlier hadn’t died immediately—which indicated they had teammates. If they had teammates, they might have informed their teammates of the situation.

Novel Notes

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