Book 05 Chapter 020.1: An Injury to the Fang Can Impact the Tiger, Part 1
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 05 Chapter 020.1: An Injury to the Fang Can Impact the Tiger, Part 1

Magus of Flowers: Workaholic Gil? I’m laughing to death! Gilgamesh, right? It must be Gilgamesh! No one else would have such a name. As the saying goes, there are only wrong names but no wrong nicknames. With such a stupid display name, it can only be Gilgamesh!

Solomon: Although Merlin said it very rudely, I also think it is Gilgamesh.

Workaholic Gil: This must be Merlin and Solomon, right?

17-Year-Old Beautiful Young Lady: Hey! How did you know?

Workaholic Gil: Of course, someone told me.

Faillen Angel Gabriel: Who told you?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Me! Me! Me! Of course, it is me!

Kazuma the Brute: Huh?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: I saw there were two high-ranked Clairvoyance users here, so I wanted to invite this Clairvoyance user in too. Now, they can form a three-man team.

Kal’tsit: This…so the Dimension Administrators Association can add people at will?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Naturally, ordinary people cannot do that. However, who am I? I’m a world consciousness. Most importantly, Gilgamesh is indeed an extremely strong member; that’s why the Dimension Administrators Association invited him in. I’m only responsible for recommendations. It is impossible if you want me to bring people in for you. This Workaholic Gil is a surprise. I did not think it would work.

Workaholic Gil: This is Root?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Yes, indeed.

Workaholic Gil: You’re unlike what I imagined.

Queen of Ice and Snow: She is different from what I imagined, too, but she is indeed the Root.

Efreet: This Workaholic Gil is the Radiant King from the 7th Singularity?

Workaholic Gil: Although I feel there is something wrong with that name, I am indeed he.

[TL Note: It should be quite clear by now that Workaholic Gil is Gilgamesh from the Fate series. The original nickname for Gilgamesh in the chat group was not Workaholic Gil but Gil Jiao Yulu. Jiao Yulu was a Chinese politician during the era of Mao Zedong; he worked tirelessly for the people, often falling sick because of o

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