Chapter 667 - Angel Descends by Our Side
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 667 - Angel Descends by Our Side (Teaser)

“Daddy, daddy, I’m scared…”

“Don’t be scared, sweetheart. Daddy’s right here.”

In the ruins of a residential area in Seoul, South Korea, a man in his thirties held his young daughter tightly. Both of them were covered in dust, their faces smeared with dirt. Every breath they took was laden with dust particles, making it difficult to breathe.

“Daddy, promise you won’t leave…”

“I promise. Daddy won’t leave. I’ll stay right here with you.”

The man’s voice wavered with emotion, but he forced himself to remain calm, holding back his tears. He feared that if he started crying, he would not only frighten his daughter but also risk attracting the attention of the monsters lurking outside.

After the earthquake that shook Seoul, countless people were trapped under the debris. Some died instantly, while others, like this father and daughter, were lucky enough to survive. Although they were dirty and bruised from the collapse of the building, they hadn’t suffered any major injuries. Amid such devastation, they were fortunate to be relatively unha