Chapter 666 - Order and Chaos
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 666 - Order and Chaos (Teaser)


The Chinese general shouted in surprise. He exchanged a glance with the Russian general beside him and hurriedly stepped forward as if they were ancient officials welcoming an emperor.

The entire camp was silent; no soldier dared to speak. At the front of the camp stood an elderly man dressed in Ming Dynasty attire, smiling warmly. He had white hair but a youthful face, wore a jade pendant at his waist, and stood straight. Despite his apparent advanced age, he showed no signs of frailty; instead, he radiated vitality.

Next to him were two other elderly men, both thin and frail-looking. One was dressed in the traditional robes of an ancient Japanese priest, with a style reminiscent of the Tang Dynasty. His expression was cold and stern, evoking the sharpness of metal. The other was dressed simply in coarse cloth and had a kind, gentle face.

Accompanying these three elders was a young woman, appearing to be in her early twenties. She wore a black nun’s habit but had a mature and kindly aura about her—she was Sister Mirda from