Chapter 659 - Great Earthquake
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 659 - Great Earthquake

"Use the water guns, use the water guns!!"

The South Korean commander shouted frantically, his voice hoarse and unpleasant from the dry air underground.

The soldiers holding high-pressure nozzles immediately positioned themselves and aimed them at the Burrower Beneath crawling out of the magma river.

At this moment the commander wished fervently that his soldiers were firefighters. If they were a professional firefighting team, they could have sprayed water a few seconds faster. Every second was precious for Seoul at this moment.

"Keep at it! The bugs are going crazy!"

As the mature Burrower Beneath crawled out of the magma, its juvenile brethren also emitted sharp screams and rushed toward the soldiers. Each soldier stood firm in their position, shooting at the creatures crawling on the walls.

Due to their desperate efforts, more and more juvenile burrowers emerged, overwhelming the defenders. Some soldiers were unable to hold the line and were pounced upon by these creatures. Although the juvenile burrowers were not strong, their lethal tentacles were difficult for human skin to resist.

The creatures that landed on the soldiers directly pierced their bodies with their short tentacles, puncturing their internal organs. Those that landed on faces would forcefully insert their tentacles into the mouth, nose, or eyes, instantly destroying the human brain. The scene was horrifying, with screams and flesh flying everywhere.

Despite witnessing this terrifying scene, every South Korean soldier remained fearless. Whenever someone fell, another soldier quickly took their place, staunchly blocking the Burrowers' strongest attacks.

Meanwhile, the troops with high-pressure water guns finally began spraying water. The pressure was so strong that it could cut through steel like a knife. However, this sharpness was not just a deadly attack for the mature Burrower Beneath. For these creatures, water itself was the most lethal weapon.

As soon as the water hit the Burrower Beneath, it emitted the sharpest and most piercin

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