Chapter 657 - The Magma River and Burrower Beneath
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 657 - The Magma River and Burrower Beneath

"Hurry up, everyone, hurry up, don't stop, the safety of Seoul now depends entirely on us!"

The commander shouted, ordering the troops to advance. The soldiers from South Korea who entered the underground were all tight-lipped, silently following the commander, only the rapid breathing of each soldier could be heard inside their gas masks.

The underground tunnels dug out by the Burrowers Beneath under Seoul were too huge. These soldiers were all moving with heavy loads. Even though they often trained for such situations, the mental tension of actual combat and the long journey made each soldier feel exhausted.

But even so, no soldiers complained. Everyone gritted their teeth because, as the commander said, if their mission failed, a huge crisis would likely occur in the entire Seoul area, and countless civilians would be affected.

Compared to the ordinary soldiers, the commander actually knew more. For example, he knew that the South Korean government could have prevented this disaster. However, the South Korean government had let Lee Uijin run amok in Seoul for its own selfish reasons, resulting in the entire South Korea being played by Lee Uijin. It was too late to try to solve the crisis now.

‘The people cannot bear the disaster caused by the South Korean government!’

The commander thought to himself. But then he thought of the situation in South Korea as a whole. For example, many people in South Korea believed in cults. The cause of this disaster was undoubtedly an evil god. To some extent, this was also a result of the people of South Korea inviting it upon themselves. If it weren't for the fact that most people here believed in cults, the evil god would not have targeted this place.

The army commander used this kind of divergent thinking to forget about his physical exhaustion. Although he didn't carry as much weight as the ordinary soldiers, the commander was getting old, and his stamina couldn't compare to that of a young man. In such a fast-paced march, even he was starting to struggle.

But the co

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