Chapter 634 - Hounds of Tindalos
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 634 - Hounds of Tindalos

"Ugh, ugh, ugh—"

Park Jung-chul was currently undergoing a thorough session of torture.

The process was a bit more complicated than the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director had anticipated. Mainly because after the transformation with mysterious powers, Park Jung-chul's pain tolerance had increased substantially. Even without professional training, conventional methods of torture had no effect on him.

However, Park Jung-chul's physical transformation was not complete yet. He still fell within the human category, and although his pain receptors were significantly dulled, it didn't mean he had none. Under the intensified dosage of drugs administered by S.H.I.E.L.D. professionals, Park Jung-chul still experienced unbearable pain.

Through psychological tactics and physical stimulation, the ordinary person Park Jung-chul finally couldn't withstand it and began to mentally collapse, revealing all the information S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to know.

"What is this book?"

Behind a display monitor and camera, Smith was questioning Park Jung-chul with an image of the book.

Smith didn't intend to open it until a decision was made at the White House and the tome was sealed in a safe location.

"That book is called 'Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan'. It's an ancient book from China, but it seems to be corrupted by an evil god!"

Park Jung-chul, on the verge of mental collapse, shouted hoarsely.

China again……

Smith, sitting in his office, frowned slightly and sighed.

Indeed, with a civilization history of five thousand years, China was the only one among the four ancient civilizations whose culture had not been severed. The United States, founded only two or three hundred years ago, couldn't compare. There were truly many valuable things there.

Smith believed Park Jung-chul's words because Alex had mentioned the evil aura in the book. It seemed to be related to the Cthulhu Mythos, aligning perfectly with Park Jung-chul's response.

"Where did you find this book?"

"Chinatown. I'm fascinated by the ancient culture of China. When I saw that ancie

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