Chapter 378: The Last Passenger
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 378: The Last Passenger (Teaser)

“Only one person is required to get off at each station. Have you considered we might not have enough passengers on the bus to reach the last station like this? Your decision might cause everyone’s sacrifice to be meaningless.” The painter Gao Ming didn’t expect the kind Gao Ming to force him to leave the bus. Weren’t they all Gao Mings?

“If that really happens, I am willing to accept the consequences. You can place all the blame on me. Curse me and have me experience the worst fate.” The kind Gao Ming smiled. His kindness was not blind kindness. It was not him going around demanding others to accept his kindness. His kindness meant the willingness to accept kindness’ consequences.

No one on the bus sided with the painter Gao Ming. The kind Gao Ming had been controlling the situation. He planned to sacrifice himself. His only request was to get the painter Gao Ming to follow him. A few of the Gao Mings who noticed the issues with the painter Gao Ming sided with the kind Gao Ming. If he were unwilling to get off the bus, they would ‘he