Chapter 261: New Weapon
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 261: New Weapon (Teaser)

Eight arms reached out from behind Gao Ming. The God of Flesh and Blood tore down all the death portraits. The shadow churned. The sharp trills of ghosts were ear-piercing, but Gao Ming didn’t care.

“I need to change the fate of half the citizens in the city. If one person can’t handle the world after waking up, then I’ll awaken the entire Han Hai and have them see the real world together.” The death portraits in the shadow world were the tickets to enter Han Hai. Those who possessed a death portrait were the ones chosen by the shadow world and had the potential to become fate’s loopholes.

The black-and-white portraits were sent into the torture room by God. The shackled Situ An saw the portraits flutter around him like snowflakes. He resisted the pain and lifted his head. His eyes glowed with madness. All of these should be his, but he had reunited with his family in another manner. He stood alone on the snowy battlefield. There were corpses everywhere. He was the only one bound and faced the endless dark abyss alone. His body shiv