Chapter 260: Tattoo
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 260: Tattoo (Teaser)

Each corridor was drawn by the patient in Ward 7003 on the map. Using his photographic memory, he drew out Li San Hospital’s front and back buildings. However, Question’s map of the map was different from the hospital in real life. Most of the wards in the back building had been blackened out like they had been taken over by the shadow.

“Did he intend to use this map to trade with me? To help me leave the hospital.” The map was still hidden inside the ward. However, Gao Ming from half a year ago and Question were gone. This meant that both of them had successfully escaped.

“How did I leave half a year ago? What happened between Question and me? Why did he leave that message for me?”

Gao Ming and Question were patients valued by Lu Zang. However, they seemed to have gone on different paths. Gao Ming entered the tunnel according to Lu Zang’s plan and slowly expanded fate’s loophole. Question seemed to have escaped Lu Zang’s control, and he had woken up from the dream earlier than intended.

“Does Question really exist?” Gao Ming trie