Chapter 217: Treasure
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 217: Treasure

“Is this Situ An’s home in the shadow world?” Su Mo was befuddled as he stood before the bloodred door. Even though he was the main character, he had no idea how he got there. After pushing the door open, the painting of the red raincoat on him slowly disappeared. Xia Yang’s voice also weakened. Summoning the red raincoat to the real world exhausted him greatly, and the red raincoat couldn’t exist in the real world for long.

“Move!” He Yi’s voice came from behind. He led the security members to cross the door, pieced together from dead bodies. He shoved Su Mo easily to the side. He Yi’s breathing became heavy as he remembered the things Situ An told him. He had to defend the path to home no matter what because everything Situ An had was hidden inside the house. “Since Situ An is most likely dead, everything here now is mine.”

When tragedy arrived, morality became the most useless thing. Rules were built on power. He Yi was excited thinking about his future. He walked to the two doors with passion.

“But… Why are there two rooms? Situ An told me there was only one home… Lunatics and butchers? Which is his real home?” He Yi knew Situ An’s personality. He knew things would not be so easy. This should be the last test.

He Yi turned around and aimed the gun at Su Mo, “You. Open the door to the Home of Lunatics.”

“Me again?” Su Mo pressed his lips. He wanted to protest, but the man had a gun. He only had a blanket from the Auntie with four mouths. Su Mo walked on the path weaved by shadow and blood. He paused before the door to the Home of Lunatics. He held the door handle and looked at He Yi uncertainly. Everyone he knew had become part of the door. As a university student, Su Mo didn’t think he’d reach this point. Ghosts, guns, humans and monsters all threatened him.

“Is this the price to pay to be the main character?”

Su Mo faced no resistance as he pushed the door open. The room inside was very normal. Even the colour of the blood faded. The scary things did not happen. The walls of the room were covered in pic

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