Chapter 216: Two Rooms
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 216: Two Rooms

The headless door guardian was eager for murder. The blood capillaries sucked on the blood from the newbie investigators. The newbies only had one choice, and that was to open the door before they died.

“Push! Trigger your strongest survival instinct! Push open the door!”

These newbies were all selected by Xia Yang. It was easy for him to kill them. Instead, he used his own methods to select them. After experiencing fear and death, the newbies improved greatly in terms of mental strength. More importantly, the seeds planted by Xia Yang started to grow. Xia Yang’s death portrait had a very special power. It allowed him to paint the death portraits of the living. Xia Yang could use this method to control people’s souls. The shadow world could corrupt the real world, and Xia Yang could corrupt normal souls by enlarging the obsession deep inside their hearts.

“Push! I’m being eaten!” The newbie who was pushed to the front had his body plastered to the door. His hands ‘grew’ into the door. A lot of capillaries crawled into his body to pull him towards the door.

The newbie’s face slammed into the door. Endless vessels surged into his eyes and ears, causing him to scream. The scream only lasted for a few seconds before his eyes numbed like his emotions had been consumed by the door.

“Fuck! Hang in there! You have to focus on your obsession! Do not forget your connection to the real world! Dig deep into your memories!” He Yi wanted to open the bloodred door. If the newbies failed, he had to send his own people. “Focus! Remember!”

The newbie seemed to remember something. Light returned to his eyes, and pain returned to his body. “Help me! I don’t want to die!” He refused to give up, but he couldn’t open the door. The man suffered unimaginable pain as his body slowly became part of the bloodred door. Hearing his scream, the others pushed harder. The capillaries slowly crawled over everyone. Everyone started to mutate to varying degrees. Some of them grew sharp blades in their flesh. Burn marks surfaced on some of their backs. The

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