Chapter 140: Let Me Out
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 140: Let Me Out

In the past, the art teacher hated to be bound by the school rules, but she changed her mind. She desperately wished that the school would detain Xia Yang. This man had fully lost his mind. He couldn’t be treated by a normal person.

Half of the art teacher’s resentment room had been taken over. If this continued, the art teacher could very well become another person’s artwork.

The art teacher couldn’t paint Xia Yang, so she turned her aggression to Gao Ming. However, when she tried to draw Gao Ming, she realised she could never finish the drawing.

Her pair of hatred-filled eyes could see death. But when she raised her eyes, this student’s heart was filled with death. Other than death, his memories consisted of the struggles before death. His whole life was a journey towards death.

How was she supposed to draw that?

To the art teacher’s confusion, when she tried to attack Gao Ming, Xia Yang didn’t even attempt to stop her. If anything, he encouraged her to kill Gao Ming.

Xia Yang and Gao Ming didn’t have a simple cooperative relationship. They suppressed each other too. If she killed Gao Ming, something scarier might be released.

“Are you two not on the same boat?”

The bloody clock above the blackboard started to move. The mangled hands trembled. The art teacher was losing control of her resentment room. She was really scared. Xia Yang had the power to take over another ghost’s resentment room forcibly. This was impossible.

To resist Xia Yang’s takeover, the art teacher decided to embrace the school rules. She actively opened the art room door to connect Room 2104 to the rest of the school.

The students of Class 13, who had been tricked once, sat quietly in the class when they saw the door open. They didn’t even move.

The students only cried and ran out of the art room when the members of the student council arrived.

“The monitor was eaten! It was so scary!” Xi San held the arm of the student council member. He was two heads taller than the person, but he wanted to hide behind him.

“The art teacher kill

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