Chapter 139: Let Me Paint You
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 139: Let Me Paint You

The art room that flowed with red paint echoed with the art teacher’s chilly voice. She had been teaching for years, but she had never encountered something like this, be it before or after death.

“How can the students leave the classroom during class?”

Her voice came from the canvases. Slowly, all the paintings made by the killers turned into ones made by the victims. Five paintings had the theme of classroom and students. No one in the paintings died, but if one looked closer, one would notice that most students looked at the podium, but the spot where the teacher should be was empty. The real victim should be the art teacher. Her body was cut and hidden around the art room.

Red paint soaked through every painting. The floor cracked, and the walls peeled off. Blood threads crawled out of the corner and merged to form the silhouette of a woman. She stood on the podiums in every painting. She was gentle, kind and beautiful, but her eyes glowed with resentment.

Art Room 2104 was a taboo zone. Both the headmaster and teachers knew that there was a big ghost there. Her power was special. She could hide in paintings and almost couldn’t be killed. The woman in the paintings walked down the podium. She appeared to want to walk out of the canvas.

“I’ll capture all of you back and turn you into the human plaster models and place you at the most conspicuous spots.”

Her gaze looked at the door venomously. When her hands touched the red paint, her fair fingers poked out of the canvas. Xi San, who was the first to escape, shoved the art room door open. He ran back with the rest of the class.

The exquisite hand hung in mid-air. The art teacher looked confused.

The students obediently returned to their seats. They sat inside the bloodred art room. It was like everyone was trying to get into the best art school. Nothing could affect their interest in learning.

The art teacher was in the middle of a rage when her students all came back. The escaped lambs all returned to her side.

“No! Four is missing!” The confusion in h

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