Chapter 117: Father
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 117: Father

The female student had encountered many people at the office building. Whenever she asked if the person would help her, either they would run away or stay out of pity. It was her first time running into someone like Gao Ming.

“No. You’re not the homework…” The girl looked like her secret was exposed. She carried the textbook and ran upstairs.

“Don’t go!” Gao Ming followed her. “I notice you are different from the other ghost students. They try to make themselves look human, but your appearance is noticeably special.”

Gao Ming grabbed the girl’s arm. It was slender, weak and warm.

“Wait. You’re a human?! A human who helps ghosts?!” Gao Ming confirmed his suspicion and pulled the girl to the corner. “I won’t blame you. Everyone has a reason to do things. I just have some questions for you.”

The girl looked horrible. She must have been through a lot of torture. She was a girl accepted by ghosts. It was hard to imagine the price she must have paid.

“How long have you been here?”

Facing Gao Ming’s questions, the girl shook her head and hugged the books tight.

“Why are you so scared? Do you want me to bring you out of the office building?”

Hearing that, the girl shook her head harder. “I can’t leave the office building! Never!”

Knowing that Gao Ming wouldn’t easily let her go, the girl led Gao Ming to the male toilet on the second floor. She closed the door and entered the fourth cubicle with Gao Ming.

“The number 4 is the luckiest number at this school.” The girl hugged the books carefully, afraid that they might get wet.

“4 is good?! Does that mean we can leave the school at 4 a.m. Thursday?” Gao Ming memorised everything.

“Perhaps you can try.” The girl backed up to the wall. “I’ve studied here for a long time. I saw more and more students attend this school, but no matter how many there are, the school can fit them because…” The girl continued after a pause. “This school eats people. It consumes people who are filled with colours. The teachers will tell you how dangerous the world outside is. The school

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