Chapter 116: Special Homework
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 116: Special Homework

“The second method should be a joke. This school produces crazy people.” Wang Jie sat beside Gao Ming. “You don’t really think killing 100 people can clear the game, right?”

“Perhaps that is the graduation qualification for the ghosts.” Gao Ming leaned back in the chair. “Du Bai and I attended a class earlier. You would be fine if you followed the rules. The ghosts had to utilise the rules to harm others as well. They couldn’t use violence.”

“Can we use violence on the ghosts?” Wang Jie’s eyes shine with viciousness.

“I believe so.” Gao Ming looked through the chatgroup. “Zuo Bo in the patient’s outfit killed Zuo Bo at school. Therefore, murder is allowed.” “Are you two crazy? If ghosts were so easily killed, were they still ghosts?” Du Bai didn’t want to participate in this conversation. He felt like the two were not normal.

“I was just asking.” Wang Jie smiled. “It’s unrealistic to collect the merits. You get one merit from one class. Do you have confidence you can survive 100 classes?”

“There have to be other ways to escape the school.” Gao Ming studied the wooden grain on the table. He hadn’t died in Han De Private Academy, so he had no related memory. “Graduation didn’t mean leaving. Sometimes, living is worse than dying.”

For Gao Ming, if he were killed, he would only return to the tunnel. However, if his freedom were taken away, then he’d be trapped forever. He wasn’t afraid of death, but he was afraid of the inability to die.

The students exchanged info and discussed how to escape. Qian Junran, Yuan Hui and Liu Yi wanted everyone to work together and mobilise as their bedroom units.

“Wang Jie, Gao Ming, your Room 1314 will handle the math building. After the sky darkens, we’ll return to the hostel…” Before Qian Junran finished, Wang Jie interrupted impatiently, “The math building is the most dangerous. If you want, you can go there yourself. Don’t drag us with you.” “I can go with you. Someone has to do this, right?” Qian Junrai said generously. “I

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