Chapter 93: She Was Supposed to Lead the Potatoes
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 93: She Was Supposed to Lead the Potatoes (Teaser)

Yaine was growing increasingly doubtful. The more she thought about it, the more it felt like the people at the Hunter's Guild were treating them like suckers as they sent them off.

In truth, it was because Yaine and gang were unaware of market rates. She and the others assumed the jobs were meager simply because they seemed easy. At first, Yaine thought that these were the leftover, undesirable jobs no one wanted.

But reflecting on it now, she suspected that there might be an issue with the jobs' remuneration.

Moreover, there was the size of the guild and the volume of the board. If new jobs were posted only once a week, how could that small board hold enough work?

Unless, they had been looking in the wrong place?

Could there be another, less conspicuous area where jobs were posted?

Well... That seemed possible.

They'd have to ask someone about it the next time they returned.

But for now, they had these jobs in hand, so they might as well get to work.

These jobs weren't difficult, and were perfect for giving Liu Ji some practice.
