Chapter 62: Strange Little Things
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This was probably the most extreme reaction shown by the little potatoes.

While Liu Ji had no idea where these little potatoes came from, nor did he know whether they were actually unconscious or just playing dead, he could sense one for certain even if he was usually slow on the uptake.

This place was dangerous.

Extremely dangerous.

Liu Ji himself wasn't scared. After all, Myza had been immensely confident when assuring Liu Ji that he couldn't die, so much so he would swap seniority and call Liu Ji dad if he was wrong.

Just that, Liu Ji never recalled ever having a seniority relationship with him to begin with.

While Liu Ji wasn't afraid, the others didn't have such reassurance. He walked over to Yaine, asking worriedly, "Are you sure your comrades are really down there? I feel like there's something very dangerous beneath…"

"Sigh, I know it might be bad down there, but…" Yaine sighed, lightly tapping her staff. Nearby, a circular imprint lit up.

"See that? It's a beacon left by our comrades," Yaine explained. "The beacon points toward that hemisphere, meaning they've already gone down below."

Liu Ji looked at the beacon and opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

The way these little potatoes were behaving made him extremely uneasy. The strange monster from before was terrifying enough, and had Yaine not planned to kill it quickly, who knew what havoc it would have caused.

Back then, the little potatoes had just been scared witless, but now, they were completely stiff, which suggested that whatever was below might be on a whole other level of danger.

Seeing the worry written over Liu Ji's face, Yaine chuckled and lightly tapped his forehead with her knuckle.

"Relax. Don't underestimate us," Yaine said. "We are a bunch that escaped from the Tyrant's annihilation squads and have faced plenty of danger. Even if we can't win, we can always run."

"Well… That's true." Liu Ji scratched his cheek, unsure of what else to say.

After all, the comrades they were pinning for had already gone underground, their fates unk

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