Chapter 210 - I Was Willing
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Hedonist Sovereign Chapter 210 - I Was Willing

Chapter 210 - I Was Willing

Translator: Wiwbiwb

Editor: Levs

“Ruo Rou, stop messing around, let’s hurry and intensify your training. I want to help you quickly toughen up your personality. Otherwise, you’ll be bullied.” Qin Feng picked Xu Ruo Rou up and stood her on the bed. He took off his shoes and got on her bed as well.

Xu Ruo Rou personally agreed to the intensified training. She could only ask: “Qin Feng, what scene were you planning tonight?”

“Since this is our first time officially training with scenarios, let’s start with a simpler one… what about a scene where a murderer breaks into the room in the middle of the night and wants to violate you?” Qin Feng said with a serious expression.

“I think that’s a very suitable scene!” Qin Feng added. He didn’t wait for Xu Ruo Rou to respond.

Xu Ruo Rou’s expression darkened. She stared at Qin Feng: “You think this is a simple scenario? This scenario is clearly kind of abnormal.”

“Haha, it’s abnormal? Okay, then let’s go for another.” Xu Ruo Rou could even tell that the scene was abnormal, so Qin Feng scratched his head apologetically and smiled as he said: “Then we can do a scene where you meet a pervert on the bus and he touches your body.”

This scenario was indeed much simpler than the previous one. Xu Ruo Rou hesitated for a good while before she clenched her teeth and nodded.

“Okay, then let’s begin now.” Xu Ruo Rou’s voice was as small as a mosquito.

Qin Feng’s gaze swept over Xu Ruo Rou. She still wore the woman’s suit from work, so her outfit suited Qin Feng’s tastes very well. He walked up behind Xu Ruo Rou, blew hot air into her ear, and said: “Then we’re going to begin.”

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he completely changed.

He smiled vulgarly, his gaze was lascivious, and his movements were like that of a hooligan. He stood behind Xu Ruo Rou and looked unscrupulously at her chest.

“Little Sister, you’re so pretty. Look at the development of your large chest, it’s sure to be at least a D cup. Little Sister, what did you eat growing up that you developed so well? Can

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