Book 08 Chapter 122: The Powerful Curse
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Everlasting Immortal Firmament Book 08 Chapter 122: The Powerful Curse

Bai Zizai paced in Yin Tiger Deity Hall.

“Milord, Gu Hai and our Heavenly Demon Holy Land have a deep-seated enmity. Moreover, with the turmoil in the nether realm, the Nine Yin Sect nowhere in sight, and Vermilion Bird Primes sidelined, it’s almost as if we and the Han Heavenly Dynasty will divide the nether realm between us. We can’t let Gu Hai grow any stronger!” The White Soul Reaper frowned.

“I understand, but the Han Heavenly Dynasty’s background…” Bai Zizai furrowed his brow.

“Milord, are you worried about Long Zhanguo? However, Long Zhanguo hasn’t shown himself up to now! It might not be true!” the Black Soul Reaper exhorted.

“Milord, do you think Underground Blood City is asking for too much?” the Divine Scorpion Heavenly Demon inquired.

“Asking for too much? No, if they can curse Gu Hai, so what if it costs three trillion superior-grade spirit stones? Our Heavenly Demon Holy Land has several million years of accumulations; can’t we spare that much?” Bai Zizai replied in a heavy tone.

“Then…” The others were worried.

“The situation is turbulent. It’s not just Long Zhanguo; Essence Genesis is also watching closely. Let’s wait for now!” Bai Zizai said firmly.

“All right!” The others nodded.


The people from various major factions invited by Gu Hai to the land of the living returned to the nether realm. However, the news they brought back was nothing but despair.

Essence Genesis was merciless, even more ruthless than anyone had imagined.

The Han Heavenly Dynasty did not apply any pressure. Nevertheless, the nether realm factions were more anxious than ever because an execution blade hung over their heads, set to fall in a month.

This time, the Han Nation revealed not only the cruelty of Essence Genesis to the factions but also the Han Heavenly Dynasty’s generous policies.

The leaders of the factions that surrendered in the land of the living were the best examples.

The introduction of the zither puppet also allowed the major factions of the nether realm to communicate rapidly. The conclusions they reach

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