Book 08 Chapter 107: Ming
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Everlasting Immortal Firmament Book 08 Chapter 107: Ming

Essence Genesis Hall’s plaza:

There were three seats on each of the two sides. Jiangchen sat on the frontmost seat in the left column, and he deserved it; no one dared to contend with him.

Jiangchen was unpretentious, appearing like an ordinary person, casually sipping tea and waiting leisurely without feeling ignored in the least.

The various faction leaders in the surroundings were whispering and pointing, occasionally glancing at Jiangchen, but no one dared to sit down.

There were five seats left, and many people knew that these were prepared for the leaders of the holy lands and the heavenly dynasties. Only when these people took their seats would the various faction leaders have the qualifications to vie for a seat.

“There are already a hundred faction leaders, and they all seem to be from the land of the living?” an imperial emperor wondered aloud.

“Only lifespan cultivators can easily traverse the nether realm and land of the living, so of course, those from the nether realm can’t come!” analyzed a sect master.

“Indeed, not a single person from the nether realm has come. Without lifespan cultivators to open a passageway between the nether realm and the land of the living, those imperial emperors from the nether realm are not qualified to participate in this United Rule Meet!” the crowd discussed.

They had originally thought that people would come from both the nether realm and the land of the living, but unexpectedly, only those from the land of the living had come thus far.

However, just as everyone confirmed that there was no one from the nether realm, a Myriad Age Daoist Sect disciple called out a name that surprised everyone.

“Announcing, the Nine Yin Sect’s sect master from the nether realm!”

After this loud cry, Essence Genesis Hall’s plaza sank into silence once more.

“The nether realm? People from the nether realm? Is that even possible?”

“Could it be that a lifespan cultivator is accompanying them?”

“The Nine Yin Sect? I’ve never heard of this name before. Lifespan cultivators have never mentioned i

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