Book 08 Chapter 094: The Resurrection of the Vermilion Bird Prime
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Everlasting Immortal Firmament Book 08 Chapter 094: The Resurrection of the Vermilion Bird Prime

The Dreamscape Field:

Pangu displayed overwhelming might while wielding the Heaven Splitting Ax, causing Gu Hai’s expression to change as Gu Hai swung his Life Executioner Saber.


A deafening report resounded throughout the fiery sea.

To Gu Hai’s astonishment, the Life Executioner Saber had managed to block the Heaven Splitting Ax’s strike.


I couldn’t even withstand the earlier aura, so I was already anticipating severe injuries from the ax strike.

However, the powerful ax strike suddenly weakened significantly right before it clashed with the Life Executioner Saber. It seemed that Pangu had held back in that instant.

“Se…Senior? Have you figured it out? I am not Sa!” Gu Hai exclaimed with excitement, looking at Pangu.

However, Pangu seemed deaf to Gu Hai’s voice, his face undergoing a series of intense changes—anger, resignation, regret, and reluctance.

Finally, the ferocious expression on Pangu’s face gradually faded, leaving behind a bitter and unyielding look.

“Sa!” Pangu suddenly looked earnestly at Gu Hai.

“Senior, you’ve got it wrong. I am not Sa!” Gu Hai repeated.

However, Pangu remained impervious to Gu Hai’s words, continuing to speak.

“This world is now yours. Are you worried I’ll start anew and overthrow everything you’ve gained? I can choose not to return; I can perish within this void, leaving nothing behind. I only ask one thing of you: spare the innocent and blameless; let them become your people, your children. Show them kindness. Don’t hold them accountable for my actions,” Pangu entreated.


The gigantic Pangu suddenly lowered himself. Although Gu Hai could not see anyone else, he sensed a large invisible foot stepping on Pangu’s head.

“Is Pangu speaking based on his memories? Did Pangu humiliate himself and beg Sa for mercy to spare the innocent in the end?” Gu Hai’s expression changed.

Pangu seemed to have heard something from Sa. His expression went through a series of changes.

“I gave up the fight, not because I feared you but because I suddenly realized how foolish I’d been

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