Chapter 175: Reversal
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It had to be said that the cavalry of the Radiant Sun Church were indeed formidable. Of the several hundred wanderers who dashed in with Windwalk to abduct enemies, most were turned into white light. In the end, only a handful of luckier players successfully achieved their tactical objective in the first round—dragging back six "minion monsters."

In any realm, "sacrificing" dozens just to gain a captive would be considered a massive loss in any battle.

But of course, the players here didn't tally such accounts in the usual way.

"Whoa, six full sets of armor?!"

Upon witnessing the maneuver of this group of players, those who hadn't joined a group were practically drooling.

"Big bros, take me with you. I want to join the team too!"

"Ah, I've shed blood for Taranthan, fought for Old Yang! I want to see the group leader! Grant me an audience with the group leader!"

Unceasing Entropy had been pulled to the frontlines the moment she got on (via Qin Guan's summoning artifact "Book of the Undead") and took over as the group leader from Yang Ying. She calmly instructed the members to securely bind the six captured enemies and display them blatantly in camp, then arranged for members in the group to form new squads and add members in.

In this game, there was no upper limit to the size of a large raid group. The group leader could infinitely expand the number of squads within the team by inviting squad leaders to the group channel.

With nearly a thousand fully armed humanoid monsters awaiting harvest, players were relatively content with the arrangement to distribute equipment on the spot after capturing enemies.

After all, this had always been the distribution mode adopted by veteran players, and the atmosphere of any game was often set by veterans. Newcomers causing trouble would face verbal and written condemnation from both new and veteran players and might even be cornered and attacked.

On the contrary, for those who weren't a part of the group and were ineligible to partake in the auction for spoils of war, e

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin