Chapter 121: Oblivious Friendlies
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 121: Oblivious Friendlies

Lakeside Village, a tiny village nestled on the northern shore of Horsehoof Lake, perched at a slightly elevated position.

This village, comprising just slightly over 50 households, was considered extremely impoverished even by the standards of this world. There wasn't a single decent building in the entire village. Even the village head's residence, the most spacious of them all, was nothing more than a mudbrick thatched hut large enough for a family and a couple of pigs, along with a few chickens.

Most villagers couldn't afford more than two sets of decent clothing. Elderly folks and young men always wore tattered rags when working outside. The children in the village often roamed around bare-bottomed, and the women frequently improvised with whatever bed sheets.

Despite having access to a nearby water source and being less than 30 kilometers away in a straight line from Weisshem Town, the village remained mired in poverty for two primary reasons.

Firstly, it was the negligence of the higher authorities, the mismanagement of the town-level administrative units.

Throughout its history, Weisshem's mayors had never spared a glance toward remote villages located over 15 kilometers away, places that couldn't even provide fresh vegetables to the town. Apart from dispatching tax collectors during the autumn season each year or requiring laborers for the lord's territorial battles, these leisurely nobles completely forgot that their domain included such villages and their people.

Secondly, the village lacked a nobleman's estate within a ten-mile radius.

Horsehoof Lake was simply too close to the Sorensen Mountains. Nobles considered investing in estate or farms in this region as a high-risk business. Even though Horsehoof Lake was an abundant water resource, no noble was willing to purchase land in the vicinity.

In other words, the people of Lakeside Village couldn't even scrape together the most basic roads and irrigation works. Nobles, when fencing their estate farms, would at least construct paths made of grav

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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