Chapter 3889: Xing Caijian’s Warning
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3889: Xing Caijian’s Warning (Teaser)

The change in Xing Caijian’s expression made Lan Caidie’s heart sink slightly. She could clearly sense that Xing Caijian’s concern and care for Yang Yutian had completely exceeded her expectations.

Lan Caidie was a Second Heavenly Layer Immortal Exalt, an ancestor even among peak organisations. However, she still seemed to show respect from the bottom of her heart towards Xing Caijian who was only a Ninth Heavenly Layer Immortal Emperor.

As a result, she immediately confessed the reason for her conflict with Jian Chen.

“You actually developed a feud with him over a Three Lives Reincarnation Fruit?” Xing Caijian stared at Lan Caidie like she was staring at an idiot. “If I recall correctly, there were experts publicly selling Three Lives Reincarnation Fruit outside the Skyscraping World. Since your Ghost Immortal cult is in need of it, why didn’t you exchange for it there instead of going through such great lengths here?”

“Your Ghost Immortal cult has some heritage after all. You haven’t declined to the point where you can’t even afford