Chapter 3841: Tablet of the Way of the Sword
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3841: Tablet of the Way of the Sword (Teaser)

Xing Caijian wanted to assist me out of good intentions, but she’s also exposed me in front of so many people prematurely.” Jian Chen sighed inside. Originally, he wanted to move around discreetly in the Skyscraping World, trying his best to not raise the attention of others. That way, it could save him a lot of premature trouble.

But that had done it now. He had become the centre of attention the moment he entered the Skyscraping World, and some Immortal Exalts had begun harbouring ill intentions towards him already.

He feared none of the threats here, but if he could make it to the very end in an easier manner, why go through all of this trouble?

The mask from the Illusionary Daemon race could alter his appearance, but only around three hundred people had entered the Skyscraping World. They were all familiar with one another. If an unfamiliar face appeared, that would not be good.

Oh well, what can I do? Since some of these troubles will be unavoidable, I’ll just have to deal with them as they come.” Jian Chen was calm. He continu