Chapter 76 - The Massacre
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 76 - The Massacre

Having noticed the crusaders, Hui Yue could not allow the war to drag on. They were a dangerous group of humans, and Hui Yue still did not know where they came from. This caused him to fly towards the Saints.

“I need your help,” he said in a quiet voice. So low that only the ones he wished to hear could hear what was said. Every Saint around him instantly looked at him, focused on what he was about to say.

“Those black-cloaked men, the crusaders, do any of you know to whom they belong?” he asked causing everyone to focus on the black-cloaked men. Their complexions turned pale, and their faces finally turned serious.

“The crusaders belong to An He,” Wan Qiao finally said. “We don’t know much about them. They never show any part of their skin, nor do they speak or show any human traits. Although, I do know people refer to them as silent death. For them to be here, An He must be supporting the Siban Empire!” as she said this, all the Saints felt their hearts tremble in fear. Some were already considering how to retreat, but Hui Yue was in deep thought.

“I don’t think he is here,” Hui Yue finally said, and his words caused the Saints to stop and look at him surprised. “What do you mean?” asked Wan Qiao. Even she thought An He was hiding away somewhere ready to appear at the right moment to crush them all.

“If An He truly wished to destroy us, then he would not have sent the crusaders but arrived in person,” Hui Yue said slowly, still pondering on the thoughts he was now speaking out loud. “An He can deal with us all on his own. If he was truly here, do you think that he would actually wait for us to massacre all the citizens? I assume he would be in a hurry to kill us instantly. Still, we need to be careful. We do not know how many crusaders are here, nor do we know how strong they are.”

Hearing Hui Yue’s calm evaluation the Saints slowly relaxed. They, too, understood what Hui Yue was saying. They understood that the chances of An He being here were incredibly low. Slowly, all of them returned to the same feeling they

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