Chapter 891: Slaying the Immortal
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 891: Slaying the Immortal (Teaser)

An unprecedented battle was taking place in the Immortal Emperor's tomb.


With another punch from Tang Jie, the dark-faced Immortal was slain once more.

On his fifth rebirth, Tang Jie used the Void Light Strike and Heart Devouring Strike in combination with twenty percent of his law energy.

On the sixth rebirth, Tang Jie once more used the Gold Immortal finger, which made the finger shatter.

On the seventh rebirth, Tang Jie used the Blood Spirit Strike and the Corpse Soul Strike in combination with twenty percent of his law energy.

On the eighth rebirth, Tang Jie used the Spirit Tearing Strike and Illusion Crushing Strike in combination with twenty percent of his law energy.

On the ninth rebirth, the dark-faced Immortal's face had become ghastly pale. It was clear that he had used large quantities of Immortal energy and was reaching his limit. But Tang Jie was faring no better, these consecutive attacks wearing him out in both law energy and body. Even Xu Miaoran, Yiyi, and Tutu were exhausted from transmitting spiritual energy t