Chapter 862: Loot (1)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 862: Loot (1)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Jie and Xu Miaoran followed the path, avoiding every possible danger.

Now that Tang Jie understood the formation, even if he couldn't easily undo it, he at least knew where was dangerous and where was safe, allowing him to move freely through the Jewel Palace.

As for those cultivators who could move about the formation despite knowing nothing about it, one could only say that they were just too strong.

Occasionally, a gout of flame would erupt from somewhere in the palace, or else flashes of lightning or showers of snow, and what followed would be various Divine Connections unleashing a blinding display of light.

Tang Jie cautiously brought Xu Miaoran to a small pavilion, after which he thrust his finger several times at it, firing off bolts of energy. A few moments later, the pavilion shrank and turned into a basket that flew into Tang Jie's hand.

Tang Jie threw the flower basket into the Mountain River State Diagram without even looking at it, handing it over to Yiyi. The Jewel Palace's treasures were truly out of the ordinary, all of them divine treasures. In the diagram, Yiyi saw a divine treasure falling from the sky and grabbed it. She proceeded to dance, filling the sky with petals that were as lethal as they were beautiful, happily giggling the whole time.

He Chong's group was at a loss for words.

Ice Phoenix was unhappy, and after some thought, she tugged on Yiyi and said, "My good sister Yiyi, please ask for a treasure for your older sister."

Her original nature had suited her name, cold and aloof, but she had gone through a huge personality change after becoming a demon, making her charming and flirtatious, and also more shameless. If she wanted something, she would go straight to asking for it.

She had been prepared to argue her case, but Yiyi surprisingly nodded. "So long as you're good and don't cause trouble for Big Brother, what's the harm in asking for a divine treasure for you? These things might be priceless to others, but not for me a

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Translator Notes

The young master was a proper young master to the very end! Though I wonder if that sect is going to even bother going after Tang Jie.

Novel Notes

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