Chapter 861: Dao Formation
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 861: Dao Formation

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


While the Dao Runes of the Wall of Dao Comprehension were complex and abstruse, if one didn't directly observe those stars and instead viewed things from a higher level, one would find that the movements of the stars were in tune with some heavenly principle.

With his experience, Tang Jie quickly discovered that the Dao Rune stars were actually in a formation.

A formation created from a Dao!

Tang Jie's mind was blown away by this revelation.

This was a formation that used Dao Runes as its foundation. If his guess was right, then this was the Jewel Palace's defensive formation. It was no wonder even Immortal Platform experts couldn't break through it!

Within the formation, the stars operated in a unique fashion, and they seemed to complement each other in ways that Tang Jie could not comprehend. Solving the secret of the stars was impossible for Tang Jie's current level.

But he was somewhat confident in breaking down the structure of the formation.

Turning his attention away from the stars themselves, he began to focus on how they moved, and he immediately felt a change. While their movements remained complex and difficult to understand, at least with his understanding of formations, he had some basis to work from.

The traces left behind by those stars as they leapt around the wall became intersecting formation lines.

Tang Jie pushed his Wisdom Dao to the limit, rapidly calculating those paths of lights, and the formation began to appear in his mind.

This formation was far more complicated than he had initially surmised, and even with his Dao of Wisdom, even drawing out the entire formation was a tough task, let alone dissecting and analyzing it.

The formation itself was a supreme Immortal formation!

This was the conclusion Tang Jie had reached.

He had already thought of countless ways to lay out this formation with regular materials.

Everyone else was trying to comprehend the Dao Runes on the wall, with Tang Jie alone tirelessly trying to comprehend

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Translator Notes

Oh, it looks like Tang Jie is about to meet with an old friend! 

Novel Notes

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