Chapter 836: Seizure
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 836: Seizure

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Tang Jie and Yiyi walked all around Guanshan City, having fun and buying quite a lot of things.

The spirit coins used in the Vast Wilderness World were slightly different from those used in the Rosecloud Domain. The ones in the Rosecloud Domain were made from Inkcloud Stone mixed with ordinary silver, but Vast Wilderness used Violet Stone mixed with black gold, which made the coins so tough that they could be used as hidden weapons.

Tang Jie naturally didn't have such spirit coins, so he sold some of the art relics he had obtained from the Five Origins Paradise.

By noon, Yiyi had all sorts of fun new things, and was the perfect picture of an innocent and unaffected young lady.

The two had a grand time, and they soon arrived at a restaurant which was called "Drunken Book Pavilion".

"'Drunken Book Pavilion'? An interesting name," Yiyi said. "Big Brother, let's go in and eat."

"Okay." Tang Jie had always agreed to Yiyi's requests.

As the three went up to the restaurant, they discovered that there was a sign on the exterior that read "Only cultivators allowed". Seated at the door was an old man who, despite his shriveled appearance, was actually a Mortal Shedding Spirit Master.

Tang Jie was startled at first, but then he smiled in understanding. "Does this restaurant only cater to cultivators?"

The old man glanced at Tang Jie and said, "Sir has restrained his soul and is brimming with spiritual energy, so you are a cultivator without question and allowed to enter."

Tang Jie was taken aback.

Although he wasn't using some high-level energy-controlling art, as he was a Deification cultivator, people couldn't normally see his strength unless he wanted them to. But to his surprise, this Mortal Shedding old man had seen that he was a cultivator with a glance. This was truly some outstanding vision.

He didn't know that the old man was even more stunned.

He had been hired as the doorkeeper for this restaurant precisely thanks to his pair of natural spirit eyes a

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie and company get into a little ruckus, but it's not a young master, but a young lady that's courting death this time!

Novel Notes

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