Chapter 829: Immortal Estate (4)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 829: Immortal Estate (4)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


In ancient times, there was an Immortal beast called the Lithos, with the form of a dragon, a voice like a bell, a strength that could lift mountains, and a fiery temper.

This temper and power of this powerful fiend, as well as its draconic form, made others call it the Lithos Dragon.

According to the Vermillion Bird, in the era of the Court of Myriad Domains, one of the Four Sages of the Myriad Court, the Sage Lord of Cosmic Origin, personally subdued the Lithos Dragon, turning it into their mount. A fiend was turned into an Immortal beast, residing in the court.

When the Myriad Court was destroyed, the God Immortals all went missing, as did the Lithos Dragon.

Who could have expected that this Yuan Chenfei would have some Lithos Dragon blood in him, that he was part-fiend?

Unlike Meng Guanshan, who had become part-fiend through the Imperial Sky Stamp, Yuan Chenfei was a natural human–fiend hybrid that had come about through mating between fiend and human.

As different species, they shouldn't have been able to reproduce. Even a fiend that turned into a human couldn't hope to produce children through intercourse with a human.

But there were also exceptions and unique circumstances.

The Lithos Dragon had left behind a descendant, and this descendant was a human!

If the Vermillion Bird's ancestor hadn't been on good terms with the Lithos Dragon, and if those memories she had inherited from High Antiquity weren't gradually starting to awaken, she might not have noticed Yuan Chenfei's origins.

It was no wonder those Scissor Serpents had frantically fled from Yuan Chenfei's blood.

The Lithos Dragon was a great fiend of High Antiquity, an Immortal beast of the Myriad Court. In terms of status, it had only been a little lower than the Four Sages. In the lower world, this would be the bloodline of an emperor, and it was only natural for those small fiends to be scared. This blood alone allowed Yuan Chenfei to boldly walk among these fiends.

But everything had

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie gets to live out his fantasy of being a superhuman pretending to be a mortal and helping out some poor naive soul.

Novel Notes

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