Chapter 812: Battle Against Soul Projection (1)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 812: Battle Against Soul Projection (1)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Standing on the Ink Jade wagon, the Jewel Immortal Sovereign exuded a peerless aura.

Although she couldn't turn into a thousand-foot-tall giant like Tang Jie, when her mind became one with the world, her supreme will dominated all, pressing down on Heavenly Balance Mountain such that even the air began to condense.

The spectating cultivators nodded upon seeing this immense presence.

An unaffiliated Violet Palace expert commented, "As expected of the Jewel Immortal Sovereign. With just her aura alone, she is extraordinary. In my view, while that Freedom Celestial Sovereign has progressed very quickly, it's precisely the reason his foundations are unstable and that he lacks experience."

He resided in Endsea, so he spoke out in favor of Jewel.

Another person sneered, "You haven't even seen the Freedom Celestial Sovereign do anything, so isn't this a little inappropriate? Moreover, for the Freedom Celestial Sovereign to dare challenge a Soul Projection expert while being at Deification means that he possesses extraordinary daring."

As if responding to this conversation, in the face of Jewel's grandiose presence, Tang Jie laughed and said, "This doesn't seem all that mighty to me at all!"

With a shake of his arms, he took on his actual giant form.

As that thousand-foot-tall giant rose into the air, it erupted with a majestic presence that was not at all inferior to the Jewel Immortal Sovereign's, leaving the cultivators speechless.

As expected, Tang Jie had dared to fight Jewel because he had his own domineering abilities.

As he revealed his true form and their auras clashed, the valley was swept up in a furious storm, but when the winds reached its walls, formation lines flashed, sucking up this energy. If one looked carefully, one would discover that Heavenly Balance Mountain had seemingly become a little sturdier. It seemed that Tang Jie's formation could use the energy absorbed to strengthen itself.

In normal circumstances, the Jewel Immortal Sovereign

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Translator Notes

Both sides just testing each other right now, nothing new just yet.

Novel Notes

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