Chapter 811: Wager
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 811: Wager

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Once it seemed like just about everyone had arrived, Tang Jie bowed to the Jewel Immortal Sovereign. "Immortal Sovereign, I have come to fulfill the agreement from two hundred years ago. Please instruct me."

He thrust his hands down, and Heavenly Balance Mountain erupted in light.

This light was so brilliant that it was hard to look at directly.

Heavenly Balance Mountain shuddered and rumbled, and then it began to rise from the ground. As the entire mountain rose upward, it left an enormous crater in the ground.

The Jewel Immortal Sovereign's eyes narrowed upon seeing this magnificent display. "Quite the excellent move. As expected, you prepared the ground beforehand?"

Tang Jie laughed. "Immortal Sovereign, don't misunderstand. Tang Jie only made some arrangements so that our conflict wouldn't affect anyone else. I have already refined this mountain using a formation, converting it into a battlefield. When we fight here, our power will be restrained within it."

"Oh?" The Jewel Immortal Sovereign's eyes sharply gleamed.

Wasn't this saying that his formation could hold a Soul Projection Celestial Sovereign?

In other words, even if Tang Jie was no match for Jewel, he could use this formation to imprison and kill her.

The Jewel Immortal Sovereign inwardly fumed, and she snorted and said, "If that's the case, we have to test it out."

She was rather happy that there were spectators now. If Tang Jie had some sort of trap or had messed with the formation somehow, everyone would be able to see it clearly. If Tang Jie was truly up to something, the cultivators gathered here wouldn't permit it, and the Basking Moon Sect would suffer a drastic drop in reputation. She trusted that Tang Jie wasn't dumb enough to do something like that.

Tang Jie flipped his hand over, and the light from Heavenly Balance Mountain subsided, and with a rumble, the mountain began to shrink. In the shrinking process, the mountain shed its trees and soil, revealing the violet gold interior

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Translator Notes

Took an entire chapter to warm up for this fight!

Novel Notes

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