Chapter 801: The Peak
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 801: The Peak

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Freedom Hall.

Tang Jie was seated cross-legged on his throne.

In front of him floated the Imperial Sky Stamp.

A four-clawed golden dragon had been carved onto the top, winding in and out of some clouds, and on the bottom was the stamp, four characters carved onto it: "寿与天齐" (Life Equal to Heaven).

This stamp's original name was the Equaling Heaven Stamp, as this what was carved on it, but later on, the Beast Refining Gate felt like this was not impressive enough, so they changed to the Imperial Sky Stamp, meaning that this was the stamp of the emperor who had united all under the sky, such was their ambition.

The Imperial Sky Stamp was a Great Dao armament left behind by the Beast Refining Gate's founding ancestor, and its Dao was Life, its Will being Fusion. It was said that the Imperial Sky Stamp's original use had been to absorb life essence to strengthen the self and accelerate one's cultivation speed. But for some reason, this function disappeared, so the Beast Refining Gate was forced to use its Dao power to fuse lifeforms. In the end, they ended up creating the half-human, half-fiend freak that was Meng Guanshan.

Tang Jie naturally didn't need to use it to fuse with a fiend.

The Imperial Sky Stamp's Dao was Life, and it could provide large amounts of life force. This alone made it a dream treasure for countless cultivators. Every advance had a cultivator facing numerous risks and dangers, so having a Life Dao armament was one of the best safeguards. The Imperial Sky Stamp was a stand-out in this category, granting cultivators a powerful protection, even able to keep a human-fiend hybrid alive.

In terms of depth of arts, the Beast Refining Gate had always been lacking compared to the other five major sects. The reason it could have the most Violet Palace experts among the six major sects was the Imperial Sky Stamp. Without it, producing new Violet Palace True Lords or Divine Division fiends became excruciatingly difficult.

Tang Jie didn't need it t

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Translator Notes

Poor fiends had to endure a decade of slaughter for the sake of Tang Jie's cultivation.

Novel Notes

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