Chapter 998- Sheikha Saeed's gift
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 998- Sheikha Saeed's gift

Ye Zhongming looked at the box he took. He didn’t know what was inside. This was something that Sheikha Saeed had prepared a while ago.

He said it was cooperation, but it was basically Sheikha Saeed having something to ask from him. So naturally, he had to show his sincerity. This box should be it.

Sheikha Saeed opened the box, and there were a few things.

“I know you are a significant person in China, so I won’t give you ordinary things. I hope you like these few things.”

He took a crystal-shaped thing, which caused Ye Zhongming’s eyes to open wide.

It was a bloodline crystal!

“Ye, you must know that this is a bloodline crystal. Moreover, this is a special West Asian bloodline-- Sandman.”

Sheikha Saeed looked around Ye Zhongming and saw a bit of interest in his eyes. A smile appeared on his face.

“I know that you probably have a bloodline, but that isn’t important. This bloodline is a support bloodline, or rather, it is a merge-type bloodline.”

Ye Zhongming didn’t say anything, but he had a little doubt.

He had lived another life and spent ten years in his last life. Although he wasn’t an expert, he heard many pieces of news. He had never heard of a support bloodline; he only knew of explosive and continuous bloodlines.

“Hehe, fellow.” Sheikha Saeed didn’t care much about how he addressed others, “I know you have never heard of it, but you should know that each region has its specialty products. There is no need for me to lie to you.”

Ye Zhongming nodded; that made sense. Sheikha Saeed needed his help to overcome his difficulties and even get the Star Sand back. If he lied to him now, he would be stupid.

“Bloodlines are unique and are difficult to upgrade. However, support bloodlines gave others a chance to get another strong bloodline. If you activate this bloodline, the Sandman bloodline will merge with your original bloodline and raise the various abilities of the main bloodline.”

It was tough for Ye Zhongming not to be tempted. The hell envoy wasn’t as useful as before. If he could upgrade it, th

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