Chapter 997- Reproducing Wheel
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 997- Reproducing Wheel

Ye Zhongming calmed himself down to listen to Sheikha Saeed describe what he had faced. The slight rage and frustration disappeared, and he was deeply thinking.

He realized that he was in a tough situation.

Sheikha Saeed didn’t look so stupid. This fellow probably devised a plan the moment he found out that he came.

Ye Zhongming’s choice was given to him by Sheikha Saeed. If he wanted to Star Sand, he had to help him.

The relationship between West Asian factions was far more complicated than China. This had to do with their political situation and faith.

The apocalypse was chaotic, and there was no order. This gave organizations built on blood, religion, and faith to grow.

As a part of the royal family, Sheikha Saeed easily obtained his current position and became the leader of a huge battle squad.

But the apocalypse was still the apocalypse, and many things couldn’t be controlled.

As the apocalypse carried on, more people started to set up their own empires, and faith began to crumble.

But two things happened, which caused the situation to turn.

One was the appearance of the Star Elf.

Like the earth elf, the Star Elf provided the people with Star Sand. If you use it, you can save a life. As a material, it could upgrade the equipment’s level and give it special powers.

This was one of the best things in the apocalypse.

The group that obtained the Star Elf was the entire royal family.

This caused the situation to stabilize.

The royal family’s army and experts got stronger as they obtained Star Sand. They didn’t fear and avoid fights with other humans like before.

Those factions that were tempted naturally became quiet.

The second thing was that a special wheel appeared. Or, more accurately, this was a country's special wheel, which was a wheel born from the Star Elf.

But after the wheel appeared, the West Asian didn’t complete it entirely. There was also no way that person could complete it,, resulting in them only temporarily obtaining the Star Elf’s control. The country wheel didn’t disappear and

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