Chapter 957- Two final abilities
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 957- Two final abilities

Lightning continued to strike the valley. The surging energy scattered pieces of stone around, sending the valley into chaos.

Ye Zhongming’s Black Halo Shield was only Basic Grade and could reflect 10% of the damage.

It was impossible to dodge the dense lightning. When a streak of lightning hit Ye Zhongming, he had to land on the ground. Although he was still trying to dodge, many lightning bolts still hit.

Apart from his blue armor, he also had the specialized Black Soil Armor. With the Black Halo Shield, his defense was really strong.

Each streak of lightning hit him. Although it was painful, as compared to the pieces of stone falling from the sky, Ye Zhongming was in a much better state.

The lightning caused Ye Zhongming’s goosebumps, to stand. His skin felt numb, and pain spread from his body.

But he didn’t stop. If you observed closely, you would notice that although his path was curved, he was still heading toward the Chain Prisoner.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to charge in a straight line, but that was too easy to be spotted, and the lightning would turn him to ash.

The Chain Prisoner opened its eyes and looked at Ye Zhongming. Although the lightning attacked every inch of the valley and was in a mess, it also caused smoke and stone to scatter. Ye Zhongming was too small and was in the smoke. It could only sense the human’s rough direction but could not track him.

It raised the Ghost Metal Chains and ignored everything else, waving them at Ye Zhongming. It smashed, whipped, swung… It tried everything.

Ye Zhongming’s view was also affected. He didn't have much time to react when he faced the Ghost Metal Chains that appeared through the smoke.

Finally, a chain caught him off guard, and he was hit. The giant energy caused his body to fly backward, and he rolled a few rounds before stopping. During that period, two more bolts of lightning hit him.

The specialized Black Soil Armor cracked, and fresh blood seeped from the corner of his mouth.

Even if he had a strong body and many abilities, facing a

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