Chapter 923.5- Individual opponents (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 923.5- Individual opponents (2)

But he bumped into a problem quickly. The structure of the building was complicated, or rather, the modifications made it complicated. There were many branches. You could see that the enemy was ahead, but you ended up running in different directions.

Ye Zhongming thought about it and told Xia Lei to lead some to the other side while he took another path.

This could ensure Xia Lei’s safety. The two of them would use the battle contribution badge to keep in contact.

Xia Lei knew that it wasn’t time to be naggy and agreed immediately. Only then could they ensure that they caught up to the key people and understood why Cloud Peak was hit.

Death King Tree said this organization was called Heart Assassin, so why were Soul Merchant’s kings inside? There was also more than one? Were there other secrets?

These were questions that Ye Zhongming and Cloud Peak wanted answers to.

Heart Assassin had too many people, and they were caught. The battle continued, but the scattered troops couldn’t threaten Ye Zhongming and Xia Lei. They couldn’t even stop them before being insta killed.

But very quickly, Xia Lei faced problems. She bumped into Green Flower at a corner, which was made using firm, dried ice.

“Long time no see, beautiful.”

Green Flower smiled and waved. But her gaze wasn’t warm at all, and her face was filled with cold and hatred.

She couldn’t forget how Cloud Peak knocked her to the ground. Although Xia Bai, who was the cause of that, wasn’t here, this hatred could be passed to XIa Lei. After all, she was second in command in Cloud Peak.

“How does it feel to be a traitor by joining Heart Assassin and abandoning Soul Merchant?”

Xia Lei blinked and asked.

She said that after analyzing the situation. Her words were also a probe.

Green Flower didn’t expect Xia Lei to know about Heart Assassin. Fear appeared in her heart. Did Cloud Peak know everything? But she reacted quickly. The problem should be on the third team. This woman found out the answer from them.

“I want to know more about how it feels to work w

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