Chapter 923- Individual opponents
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 923- Individual opponents

The level five Earth Gilded Cannibal Flowers were one of the things that gave Ye Zhongming confidence.

Although they had many weaknesses, like their slow speed, one-dimensional attacks, and obvious weaknesses.

But they had many advantages, too.

Not to mention their own abilities, the fact that Ye Zhongming had the Blood Wood meant that the seeds were infinite. He could make them a part of his arsenal. Moreover, they weren’t a limited-time summoning item. As long as they didn’t die, they would continue to exist. Ye Zhongming used various methods to nurture them; they were actually his pet. It was different from when he used the summoning technique.

This meant that as long as Ye Zhongming and the Cannibal Flowers had some time, they had unlimited possibilities.

Of course, this was only in theory. Ye Zhongming knew that it was tough to nurture them.

Even on the corroded soil, their movement wasn’t quick. The creation of that soil needed energy, and their size wasn’t unlimited. This meant that the lifeforms couldn’t follow him everywhere, and it was also hard to let them hunt on their own.

It was hard for lifeforms like this that needed people to feed to grow.

Without cannibal soil and stem absorption, it was a problem for them to stay alive.

But when using such lifeforms, he could compensate for their weaknesses. For example, the entrance was hidden under a piece of ruins, allowing them to pass the ruins and get near the entrance. The corroded soil was connected so they could close quickly and tighten their encirclement.

Of course, Ye Zhongming didn’t think about using them to decide the battle. His goal was to cause some mental pressure while also covering the Death King Tree as it got close.

Before confirming what the lifeform that disgusted the Death King Tree was, Ye Zhongming was playing safe and chose to break through from the front. He would squeeze their living space and then wipe them out.

If he chose to sneak attack, he was afraid it would collapse. After all, he didn’t have many warriors and had

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